Call For Tutorial Proposals

The Organizing Committee of the 17th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2007) invites tutorial proposals. Tutorials (and workshops) will be held on September 22nd and 23rd, immediately prior to the conference plenary sessions and concurrently with the 13th International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'07), with which ICAPS 2007 is co-located.

We invite proposals for half-day or full-day tutorials on automated planning and scheduling research and applications; for example, space systems, manufacturing, robotics, disaster relief, and crisis response. We also invite tutorials on relevant topics in related areas, such as constraints, control, diagnosis, learning, operations research, search, software engineering. Tutorial registration is free for ICAPS 2007 participants.

The topics of the tutorials of the last ICAPS conference covered subsea robotics, filtering techniques, meta-heuristics for scheduling problems, complexity of planning, off-line ground planning and on-line on-board planning, planning graph based reachability heuristics and multiagent planning and scheduling.

Tutorials should be designed to provide a comprehensive and in-depth perspective of some aspect of the state of the art in planning and scheduling research or applications. Ideally, they should be accessible to an audience of AI researchers while offering interesting insights to experts in the specific field. If you have any questions about the suitability of a particular tutorial topic please do not hesitate to contact the tutorial chairs.

Important Dates

  • Proposal submission due: March 30, 2007
  • Acceptance notification: April 27, 2007
  • Final presentation materials due: July 13, 2007

Proposal Submission

Proposals should be submitted to the tutorial chairs by email as ASCII text, and should include a description of the goals of the tutorial and its intended audience, a detailed outline of its contents, and a brief resume of the presenter(s), including information on expertise and prior presentations. Additionally, a summary of the tutorial is needed for advertising purposes (about 100 words).

Tutorial Chairs

  • John Bresina, NASA Ames Research Center, USA, John.L.Bresina at
  • K. Brent Venable, University of Padova, Italy, kvenable at

Ome © Marjorie Mikasen 2005

Created: Apr 03 2006; Last updated: Jul 08 2007.